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(An asterisk before a title indicates that the particular edition listed is required for the tutorial.The others are editions that are still strongly recommended, but if you have another source or already own the book, the particular translation or edition is not strictly required. The student will have a harder time following along in class with other editions, however, as page numbers in the study questions will refer to the specified editions below): *HOMER- Iliad (Lattimore translation) *HOMER- Odyssey (Lattimore trans.) AESCHYLUS- Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, Eumenides (Grene and Lattimore trans.) SOPHOCLES- Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone (Grene and Lattimore trans.) *ARISTOTLE - The Rhetoric and Poetics (Modern Library College Edition) *PLUTARCH- Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans, vol. 1 (Dryden translation) (since we use the second volume of Plutarch in GBT2, you might consider getting both volumes now) HERODOTUS- The Histories (Waterfield translation) *THUCYDIDES- History of the Peloponnesian War (Landmark Edition) PLATO- Euthyphro, Apology (Tredennick translation)
(An asterisk before a title indicates that the particular edition listed is required for the tutorial.The others are editions that are still strongly recommended, but if you have another source or already own the book, the particular translation or edition is not strictly required. The student will have a harder time following along in class with other editions, however, as page numbers in the study questions will refer to the specified editions below): *VIRGIL - Aeneid (Robert Fitzgerald translation) *LIVY- History of Rome (de Selincourt translation) *SALLUST - The Jugurthine War / The Conspiracy of Cataline *CAESAR - The Conquest of Gaul *PLUTARCH-Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans, vol.2 (Dryden translation) *TACITUS- The Annals of Imperial Rome *ATHANASIUS-
On the Incarnation (with introduction by C. S. Lewis)
Great Books 3 required books Great Books 4 required books Latin 1 required books
Designed to Accompany Frederick M. Wheelock's Latin (Anne Groton) Not required, but helpful (not used in class at all--these would be for your own supplemental use): A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO WHEELOCK'S LATIN (Dale A. Grote) (very useful explanations of grammar) WORKBOOK FOR WHEELOCK'S LATIN, 3rd Edition (Paul T. Comeau, Richard A. Lafleur) (useful for further practice on troublesome concepts. An answer key is available--contact me for information) VOCABULARY CARDS AND GRAMMATICAL
FORMS SUMMARY (LaFleur and Tillery) (flash cards and other study helps) For a description of the above and other great Latin books, click the button
Greek 1 required booksAN INTRODUCTION TO GREEK -- Crosby and Schaeffer
Church History required books (linked to OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (8 volumes)-- Philip Schaff Norse Myth and Saga required booksPOETIC (ELDER) EDDA
Miss Callihan's Introduction to Great Books required booksTHE ANCIENT GREEK WORLD (Roberts and Barrett)