| | | LATIN--GREATBOOKS--RHETORIC (... and ANGLO-SAXON) Beginning Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon is the root of our modern English language upon which were grafted the vocabularies of Latin and French, as well as many others, including Greek, Danish, Spanish, Italian, and American Indian. Thomas Jefferson said, "The pure Anglo-Saxon constitutes at this day the basis of our language... Hence the necessity of making the Anglo-Saxon a regular branch of academic education." Anglo-Saxon was the language of England during the coming of Christianity in Bede's day, it is the language of the Beowulf epic, of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (one of the most valuable sources of historical knowledge for the time before the Norman Conquest), and of King Alfred the Great's translations of the Bible, of Boethius, and of many other books. The Beginning Anglo-Saxon tutorial covers most of basic grammar and syntax and includes short readings in Anglo-Saxon. It is designed to prepare the student for further study and reading on his own. The course will include cultural and historical study about the Anglo-Saxon and early medieval England. Beginning Anglo-Saxon is best suited to students who have had some serious Latin grammar and are at least fourteen years old. Go to Schola Bookstore to order texts (although most books are shipped within days, some may take several weeks. Books should be ordered as soon as possible after registration to avoid shipping delays) Register for Beginning Anglo-Saxon SCHOLA homepage